Holding news

21 September 2017
The start-up of a new plant has given impulse to the development of a grain cereal line

With the commissioning of a new Holding plant in Mtsensk, the range of grain flakes "Agro-Alliance" line has been expanded. The new product "Oatmeal № 2" and the most popular "Russian Kasha" cereals, which were not previously produced under the brand "Agro-Alliance", were added to the line. 

The updated line of flakes has acquired a new attractive design that will make the products of "Agro-Alliance" stand out from other products on shop counters. It was also decided to stop the production of cereals under the brand "Russian Kasha", focusing maximum efforts and resources on promotion of the products under the umbrella brand of the Holding.

Хлопья овсяные №2